Illinois Photo | Lake Michigan Destinations
Discover the Illinois Lakeshore

Chicago, Illinois is the primary travel destination in our Illinois Lakeshore region along Lake Michigan. It’s also the most populated city on Lake Michigan.
But there are many more outstanding Lake Michigan Destinations along the Illinois Lakeshore, including Zion, Evanston, Winnetka, Highland Park, Lake Forest, Waukegan, and Winthrop Harbor. Come, explore some of the lesser known communities which have unique offerings….and less traffic!
Visit These Illinois Lakeshore Destinations
Here are but a few of the towns which are delightful to discover along Lake Michigan in Illinois:

Zion, Illinois
Sitting on Illinois’ border with Wisconsin sits Zion. One of the only cities in the world to be fully planned before being built.

Lake Forest, Illinois
Lake Forest began as a town in 1857 and is a convenient destination for visitors travelling south to Chicago.

Winthrop Harbor, Illinois
Winthrop Harbor is located on the northern border of Illinois. It is a suburb of Chicago and houses the largest marina on the Great Lakes.

Waukegan, Illinois
North of Chicago, Waukegan is home to the Genessee Theatre, Great Lakes Naval Base, and mile long Waukegan Municipal Beach.

Highland Park, Illinois
With it’s downtown shopping district, three public beaches, and more, Highland Park gives visitors plenty of opportunities to explore.

Winnetka, Illinois
Winnetka is a beautiful place for many activities within its forest preserve land and twenty-seven parks surrounding Winnetka.

Evanston, Illinois
Evanston, just north of Chicago, is alive with diverse entertainment options, courtesy of the creative students at Northwestern University.

Chicago, Illinois
Chicago is a bustling, popular city which brings any visitor plenty of sites to see, activities to do, and historical landmarks to explore.
Illinois Lakeshore Lighthouses
Most Illinois lighthouses are in Chicago, with a couple more just north of the Windy City.
View Lighthouses Along the Illinois Lakeshore
- Waukegan Harbor Light, Waukegan
- Grosse Point Lighthouse, Evanston
- Wilson Avenue Crib Lighthouse, Chicago
- William E. Dever Crib Light, Chicago
- Chicago Harbor Lighthouse, Chicago
- Chicago Harbor Southeast Guide Wall, Chicago
- 4 Mile Crib Light, Chicago
- 68th Street Crib Lighthouse, Chicago
Lake Michigan Travel Regions
- Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
- Northern Michigan
- Northwest Michigan
- Central West Michigan
- Southwest Michigan
Indiana & Illinois
Discover More Lake Michigan Destinations

Suttons Bay, Michigan
Suttons Bay, in Leelanau County, about midway up the eastern shore of Leelanau Peninsula and is a very popular destination in the summer time.

Mackinaw City, Michigan
With Lake Michigan on one side and Lake Huron on the other side, Mackinaw City is a true Great Lakes highlight.

Muskegon County, Michigan
Muskegon County is located in West Michigan just above Ottawa County and is known for Michigan’s Adventure and the Lakes Mall.

Gary, Indiana
A blue-collar city on the southern tip of Lake Michigan, Gary was built on the hard work done in its once prosperous steel mills.

Manistique, Michigan
Manistique is a harbor town and was formerly known as a lumber transfer town as well as a popular commercial fishing port.

Frankfort, Michigan
Frankfort is located along the Lake Michigan Circle Tour and is home to attractions like the Betsie Pointe Lighthouse and The Garden Theater.