Indiana Lakeshore | Lake Michigan Destinations

Discover the Indiana Shoreline!

There’s nothing like being “Up North” and we think you will want to linger in this beautiful region, filled with outstanding Lake Michigan Destinations. 

Indiana Lakeshore Destinations

Here are but a few of the towns which are delightful to discover along Lake Michigan in Indiana:

Hammond, Indiana

Straddling Indiana’s border with Illinois sits Hammond, which thrives despite the decline of factories on the southern tip of Lake Michigan.

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Gary, Indiana

A blue-collar city on the southern tip of Lake Michigan, Gary was built on the hard work done in its once prosperous steel mills.

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Indiana Lakeshore Lighthouses

There are seven Indiana lighthouses on Lake Michigan.

  • Calumet Harbor Lighthouse, South Chicago
  • Indiana Harbor East Breakwater Lighthouse, East Chicago
  • Old Indiana Harbor Light, East Chicago
  • Buffington Harbor Breakwater Lighthouse, East Chicago
  • Gary Breakwater Lighthouse, Gary
  • Michigan City East Pierhead Lighthouse, Michigan City
  • Old Michigan City Lighthouse, Michigan City

Discover More Lake Michigan Destinations


Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin is known for more than just beer. Visit the Harley-Davidson Museum, and enjoy festivals and entertainment.

Algoma, Wisconsin

Located just 35 minutes east of Green Bay, Algoma welcomes visitors to their sandy beaches, historic downtown, and fun festivals.

Kewaunee, Wisconsin

Kewaunee, Wisconsin offers a variety of activities for all seasons including deep water fishing, biking, hiking, kayaking, and more.

Reefpoint Marina, Racine County, Wisconsin

Racine, Wisconsin

Racine County is located in southeastern Wisconsin along Lake Michigan, situated 25 miles south of Milwaukee and 60 miles north of Chicago.

Suttons Bay, Michigan

Suttons Bay, in Leelanau County, about midway up the eastern shore of Leelanau Peninsula and is a very popular destination in the summer time.

Lake Michigan water

Sheboygan County, Wisconsin

Sheboygan County, in southeast Wisconsin, includes communities like Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Kohler, Plymouth, and Elkhart Lake.