Discover Iron County in Northern Wisconsin

Iron County Wisconsin mapIron County is in Northern Wisconsin. It is comprised mostly of inland terrain, but also has a fair amount of Lake Superior shoreline. If you enjoy outdoors this county is for you. Iron County is the place for camping, hiking, kayaking, and ATV trail riding. Iron County holds a lot of history. Settlers rushed to this county for the “Red Gold” or as we call it iron ore. It was a start of one of the many mining counties. Iron county is home to Hurley, Mercer, and the Town of Sherman.

Popular Spots in Iron County

ATV Trail Riding

Copper Falls

Iron County Historical Museum

For More Iron County Information…

Iron County
300 Taconite St. # 101
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: (715) 561-3375

Iron County Development Zone
100 Cary Rd.
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: (715) 561-2922

Hurley Area Chamber of Commerce
316 W Silver St.
Hurley, WI 54534
Phone: (715) 561-4334

Mercer Chamber of Commerce
5150N Hwy 51
Mercer, WI 54547
Phone: (715) 476-2389

Town of Sherman
W3063 State Trunk Hwy 182
Park Falls, WI 54552
Phone: (715) 583-4422

Visit Travel Wisconsin to get more information for your travels.

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