Discover Ashland County in Northern Wisconsin

Ashland County Wisconsin mapAshland County is located on the Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin. Driving through Ashland County you may come across Elk in Clam Lake. Ashland County is a great place for any outdoorsmen. Explore the islands off the coast of Ashland County. Ashland County is home to small communities such as Ashland, Butternut, Clam Lake, Madeline Island, Mellen, and La Point.

Highlights of Ashland County

Copper Falls State Park

Madeline Island

Big Bay State Park

Ashland Breakwater Lighthouse

La Pointe Light

Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center

Apostle Islands

For More Ashland County Information…

Ashland County Courthouse
201 West Main St.
Ashland, WI 54806
Phone: (715) 682-7015

Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce
1716 West Lake Shore Dr.
Ashland, WI 54806
Phone: (715) 682-2500
Toll Free: (800) 284-9484

City of Ashland
601 Main St. West
Ashland, WI 54806
Phone: (715) 682-7071

Mellen Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 193
Mellen, WI 54546
Phone: (715) 274-2330

Town of La Pointe
P.O. Box 270
LaPointe, WI 54850
PHONE: (715) 747-6913

Village of Butternut
301 N. Michigan St.
Butternut, WI 54514
PHONE: (715) 769-3113

Madeline Island Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 274
La Pointe , WI 54850
Phone: (715) 747-2801

General Information on Clam Lake
Bud & Julie Rubeck
P.O. Box 52
Clam Lake, WI 54517
Phone: (715) 794-2479

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Kewaunee, Wisconsin

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Door County, Wisconsin

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Peshtigo, Wisconsin

One attraction of importance to Peshtigo is the Peshtigo Fire Museum, which reflects the city during the time period after a devastating fire.

Two Rivers, Wisconsin

Two Rivers’ slogan is “catch our friendly waves” since it is located along Lake Michigan and has plenty of beaches to explore.


Ephraim, Wisconsin

Nestled in the harbor, Ephraim of Door County, Wisconsin has a picturesque view of Peninsula State Park’s Eagle Bluff and Horseshoe Island.